For us, sustainability and responsible travel means to protect the natural environments and cultures across all destinations, in order to share them with our travelers.

For this to be achieved, we empower the collective behind LUXPERIA via education, training, recruitment and knowledge sharing.

From within, we can then work to support those around us: our suppliers, their local communities, and our travelers.


Business growth supports people through salaries and benefits. We believe in working ethically with local based operators in each destination. Primary suppliers, cottage industry and local business share and retain profits to help reduce poverty.


To ensure the health and safety of all guests, all experiences, tours, vehicles, venues and accommodations abide by strict protocols as set by our international board of founders and our Travel Trade Community.


Recycle – Reuse – Reduce is a common practice within our offices, on the road and on the ground throughout all destinations. Where possible, we maintain this policy to improve the natural environments around us.


Collaboration is key for us. A unity of diverse backgrounds results in a celebration of the ‘difference’ and the learning of new practices and methods to grow and improve the way we conduct our travel experiences.


In delivering our services, we operate ethically to avoid ‘karmic’ repercussions. Simply put, we do not condone or cause harm in any form. We act responsibly to protect local cultures, children and prevent the mistreatment of animals.


For all who are involved with LUXPERIA, care is offered both internally and externally in support for mutual benefit. Our organization is built on trust, loyalty and human to human relationships that reward our guests with experiential travel.

Our Partners


Across Southeast Asia, millions of beloved pets, and stray dogs and cats are captured and stolen from their homes for the brutal dog and cat meat trade. This causes unimaginable suffering for the animals and their owners alike. Join LUXPERIA to sign, donate and share the petition to help educate, bring awareness to bring the horrific trade to an end.

FOUR PAWS are located in Austria with representation across Europe, North America, South Africa, UK and Australia. Their vision is a world in which humans treat animals with respect, empathy and understanding. Click here to pledge your support.

“We are proud to work with LUXPERIA to better protect animals in Southeast Asia. Together we aim to overcome the challenges in animal tourism and safeguard local livelihoods.”

Daniel Turner, Director ANIMONDIAL


An award-winning, key advisor to the global travel industry on all matters concerning animal, wildlife, and nature protection. Working with travel businesses, travel trade associations, NGOs, academics, governments, and Destination Management Organisations, ANIMONDIAL seeks a world where tourism is kind to animals. If you are a travel business interested in joining our shared mission to ‘Build Back Better for Animals’, please register your name to demonstrate your commitment and receive exclusive invitations to guidance and trainings with the ANIMONDIAL team.